Silk Tie Easter Eggs

Friday night was my monthly scrapbooking club night. Our founder Jodie brought in her Silk Tie Easter Eggs to show us and to demonstrate how to make them. You need 100% silk ties that you can find at Goodwill, garage sales, or maybe old ones in your Husbands closet. I took my egg home and my Daughter was definitely interested in trying this technique so I thought I would share how we made them. 

You will need:


100% Silk Tie


Stainless steel or aluminum pot (use one you do not care about as the dye may stain the pot. I used a pot I only make soap with).

Duct Tape, Pipe Cleaners, or rubber bands.

Cut your tie apart.

Cut a piece of fabric that fits around the egg. 

Get the fabric good and tight around the egg.

Secure the back with a small piece of duct tape.

Twist the ends and again secure with a small piece of duct tape. Make sure the duct tape is covering just a little of the egg. 

You can also tie with string, pipe cleaners, or rubber bands. I just found the duct tape to be fast and easy. Make sure the fabric is snug on the egg.

Place in a stainless or enamel pot with enough water to cover the eggs. 

Add a few tablespoons of vinegar.

Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes.

Let cool and unwrap your egg.

Shine your egg with a little vegetable oil. These eggs are for display only, I would not eat.

I link up at these parties:

Check back soon for our next tutorial!


The Rebel Crafter


  1. What a cool idea. They are very pretty. Might have to make a trip to the second-hand stores and give this a try. We do psyanky every year. Maybe we can slip in a few silk tie eggs too. Cheers.

    1. Anonymous3/30/2012

      We do psyanky every year as well. This looks like a neat idea but we blow out our psyanky eggs to keep them from year to year. I wonder if you can blow these out prior to cooking them but I'd imagine you have to find some way to hold them in the pot so they are covered with the vinegar water.

  2. Oh my goodness! How cool. I don't think my smalls are quite ready for that yet - they would want to eat the eggs!!! LOL

  3. What a fabulous idea. These look so beautiful.

    I found your link at Under the Table and Dreaming. Thank you for sharing...I would love to be part of a scrapbooking club. That must be fun!

    Mommy Sauri~

  4. Well, this is unusual. I dumped most of my husband's ties a while ago, but there are probably some that I could scrounge up for this project. Thanks for showing how to do this. Best wishes, Linda

  5. These are gorgeous! I would have never thought of doing this. It's a fabulous idea! I'm a new follower.

  6. Anonymous3/12/2012

    I have wanted to learn how and make these for a while!! Thank you so much for sharing - they turned out awesome! Thank you for linking up at Every Creative Endeavor!


  7. OMG, these are beautiful! I wonder if there's a way to do this with non-perishable eggs. (IE, plastic.)

  8. LOVE this! It's going on the FB page for sure!
    Thanks for linking it up!


  9. You are featured this week on Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy! Hope you will stop by and grab a Featured Button. Can’t wait to see what other project you’ve been working on — hope you will link again soon! Links are now open.

  10. Great idea! Love it!

  11. Anonymous3/18/2012

    These are so cool and it's better than dyeing eggs! Maggie Dator, 7 yrs. old

  12. Mrs. Handyverger - I tried this last year for the first time. I grew up in a family who always decorated empty egg shells so that we could keep them from year to year. In order to keep them submerged (for better dye transfer), I picked up an aluminum steamer insert at Goodwill to put OVER the eggs to weigh them down and it worked well.

  13. This is so interesting and your eggs are just beautiful!

  14. These are so neat! Thanks for linking up at The Kurtz Corner, you've been featured this week!



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