Hair Bow Picture Frames

I am currently in redecorating mode for my master bedroom. I went shopping at Hobby Lobby for a couple new frames and naturally I was drawn to the frames with embellishments. Of course they were more money than the plain frames, but frankly some of the embellishments looked a little cheap. At the same time I was amazed by all the hair bows I have been seeing at Michaels and Hobby Lobby. I especially like the bows with feathers. So I purchased some of the bows and with my glue gun gave the frames that little glam I liked. They were less money than the embellished ones, but looked higher quality. This is such an easy project that maybe you have done it already? For those of you who haven't, take a look at your frames. Could they use a little pizazz? Check out craft shows, and craft stores for pouffy hair bows that would look great with your color scheme. Maybe you have leftover hair bows your daughter has outgrown? My leopard bow frame is just that. Combine your bow frames with some rhinestone or other fancy frames for a fun boutique look.

For this project you will need:

Picture Frames

Hair Bows (I found most in the hair bow section at Hobby Lobby but the fluffy feather ones are from the wedding area. Most cost between $3.99-5.99 so bring your 40% coupon available online).

Silk Flowers (optional)

Hot Glue Gun

Find some hair bows that work with your decorating scheme and look good on your frame.

Figure out where you want to add the hair bow. (Side, Middle or  Bottom of the frame).

Find out which direction you like your hair bow placed. (angle, straight on).

Make sure you check that the angle of the clip looks good before you glue it on. Some clips are top heavy so in order for the clip to lay flat you will need to glue the heavier end toward the top of the frame.

If your hair bow has flat ends like the clip shown here, add hot glue to the flat part of the clip and affix to your frame. 

Add a couple silk flowers with the hair bows (optional).

If your hair bow has a lot of detail on the back (for example it is also a pin), add a large glob of hot glue to the frame and press the pin and clip backing into the hot glue.

Check back soon for our next tutorial! 

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The Rebel Crafter


  1. Love these, really makes the frames look so 'designer', fab!

  2. Super cute! We need a Hobby Lobby in Canada...

  3. These are really pretty! I'm always the same about wanting the "fancy" frames!! I love the feathers on the red/black one. Great proeject! Thanks for popping by my blog, hope you are having a Happy New Year so far! hope to make it to the group crop in Feb. :)

  4. Love it! Easy and super cute!

    Thanks for linking it up!

    @ Creatively Living

  5. Why didn't I think of that! So cute. Like Kadie said, I'm going to look for some frames to add some fabulousness to.

  6. Nice idea - so easy, and so cute. Thanks for linking up with "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We loved having you and hope you'll be back next Saturday to share more terrific ideas! -The Sisters

  7. How fun! It really adds a lot to the frames!

  8. I love your embellished frames!



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