Web Finds & Welcome Back

Hello Rebel Crafters! Sorry I was gone so long but after moving I made the executive decision to take the Summer off. I love my little blog, but Summer is all too fleeting in Colorado. I wanted to enjoy the nice weather before my Daughter went back to school and I went back to work. I really loved soaking up the sun while catching up on my reading. For those of you who emailed me I apologize that I was not around. Now that I am back I hope to get caught up with emails this week. I look forward to working on new projects, but in the meantime here are some fun web finds to check out. 

Kids bathroom printables.

Detox water recipe. 

Easy to make fabric flowers. 

Chevron monogram printout in lots of colors.

Pick up a dollar store shoe organizer for the car.

Simple 3 step picture but makes me want to head to Goodwill. 

Simple way to link picture frames into a display.

Knobs into wall hooks.

Decoupage your favorite places onto coasters.


  1. Glad to see you back!

  2. I'm so glad you're back, I really missed your blog.

  3. Awesome! Welcome back and thanks for the including my red shutters :)



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