
Easy Branch Dangles

I am pretty picky about handmade jewelry. I want the project to be easy to make, but be very wearable. I saw a pair of earrings like these on Pinterest and knew I could easily recreate them. Unfortunately no link was available to give credit to for the design idea. The pattern is really catching on though as I just saw a tutorial in a magazine for these. All you have to do to make them is be able to make a loop at the end of a head pin. That is it! You can whip out a bunch of these earrings in one evening and have them on hand for nice little gifts. 

For this Project You will need:

8 Earring Flat Head Pins

One Pair of Earring Wires

8 Beads (I used all the same bead, but you can mix for a different look)

A pair of Jewelry pliers and Wire snips (my pliers have wire snips built in)

Decide how long you would like the dangles then cut off equal length off each head pin. For example the silver beaded earrings I cut off about 1/2". For the crystal beads I cut off about 1".

I cut one head pin then lined it up with the next one to cut instead of measuring and marking. You could also mark the spot on the head pin with a marker.

Add beads to each head pin.

Make a loop at the end of one head pin by bending the wire to one side then rolling the pliers up and outward and back to close.

There are many tutorials on how to make the loop, here is any easy one to watch on youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Hvs39RpsY

Now slide the looped headpin through one of the headpins.

Make a loop at the end of the new second headpin.

Slide the second headpin through the another headpin.

Make a loop at the end of the third headpin and slide over the 4th headpin.

Put the other end of the fourth headpin through the earring wire and close a loop to attach it to the earring.  Now just repeat for the second earring. 

Try using different beads to vary the look do 3 or 5 dangles instead of 4.

Make a card for your earrings by cutting a piece of cardstock approximately 3" wide by 6" long. Fold the pattern side over and secure with a tape runner. Poke two holes at the top for the earrings. Attach some ribbon or a flower.

Happy Holidays!


The Rebel Crafter


  1. These are awesome! Thanks for the tutorial!Since I missed this for Christmas, how pretty would they be with red beads for Valentine's??

  2. I've seen this idea before, such a cool technique. Thanks for the tutorial, I'll have to give it a go!!

    I'd love for you to link this up to my link party, Your Whims Wednesday. The party is open until Sunday! http://www.mygirlishwhims.blogspot.com/2011/12/your-whims-wednesday-39-and-features.html

  3. I've seen this idea before but the tag is really cool

  4. I will be making these. Featuring at Bacon Time on Thursday :)

  5. So adorable earrings. I wish I could make jewelleries... I tried it, but my loops are so ugly.

  6. very cool and easy too Thanks for sharing your How To'
    I found you on The Tip Junkie's site.
    I have a few tutorial on there also.
    anyway Hello and glad I found you
    - KAT-

  7. Very good work. Thanks for sharing this information.



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