
Rockin' Teen and Kids $1.00 Gloves

I recently went shopping for gloves and found the choices so dull that the Rockin' Dollar Glove project was born. It didn't matter if the gloves were $1 or $40, they were equally ho hum. Our hands are important, they are the focus of conversation, why not have an eye catching pair of gloves on them? I used Skulls and Swallows Iron On Rhinestone designs, but there are several other styles to choose from such as crosses, peace signs, and hearts. I ended up having so much fun with this project I can pretty much guarantee another glove tutorial in the future. For those of you in a warm climate, I apologize, this project is for the rest of us not so fortunate. Although you lucky ones probably have a friend or relative somewhere chilly to send some. I love these gloves as gifts for tween and teen girls, but I'm totally keeping a pair for myself. I definitely need some rockin' new gloves.

You will need:

A pair of knit gloves (I purchased mine at Target. They currently sell 2 pair for $2.00. Michael's also sells them. ** 12/8/11 2 pair for $1 at Dollar Tree*** 11/26/11 Walmart for $1.40 for 2 pair-deal!***

2 Matching Iron-On Rhinestones Designs. I used Tattoo inc. brand from Michael's. Get the smaller size to fit the gloves. (approx. $1.99) 

Embellishments (optional) : Charms, Buttons, Ribbon, Chain link. I used Beads Landing, and Jewelry essential charms. You can find them at Michaels and Create For Less. Etsy also has great charms.

Needle & Thread If You Want to Embellish (optional)  in color to match gloves (or monofilament thread)

Let's Get Started:

Follow the instructions on the Iron On Rhinestone package. 

My tips:

Be very careful peeling the sheet from the packaging. If a rhinestone comes loose you can put it back on individually.

Lay the design down lightly so it doesn't stick to the glove and line up where you'd like it.

Gently rub the design into the glove so it sticks. The packaging says to iron the material first so the fabric is warm.

This is an easy mistake to make. Make sure the thumbs point in so you don't mistakenly iron one on the wrong side of the glove. If you do you will have to go back and buy another pair to get the opposite hand.

Use a tissue over the iron-on and your iron on medium heat. The iron-on says to use high heat but these are acrylic cheap gloves and too high of heat will melt the material. I could tell on high heat it was looking shiny so I backed off.

Rhinestone Iron-Ons are tempermental. As you pull back if any stones don't adhere lay the design back down and iron again. 

If you have just one or two loose stones not sticking make sure they are facing the correct way (glue side down) as they can get flipped over.

Use the pointy end of the iron to get to those one or two stones not adhering. 

Pretty Cute Plain:

Now that you are done with the Iron-On you can decide if you want them more embellished. If so find cute charms to match the theme of your Iron-On.

Remove Jump ring on Charms. Make sure you attach to the actual charm and not the jump ring. The thread may work its way through the jump ring. 

Attach charms, and buttons to the gloves with needle and thread. 

If you choose to attach chains make sure you sew the chain on very snug. If not the thread may come loose through the chain link.

Like a little bling, just attach one charm on each side of the glove near the wrist. Like a lot of bling, add buttons and chains with the charms. At $1.00 a pair you can go crazy with the embellishing and they will still be a great deal. 

Even Cuter With Charms:

I can pretty much guarantee if you make these gloves for the teen girls in your life they will love them. I think the Mom's just might want a pair too.


The Rebel Crafter


  1. So cute! I can think of several people on my Christmas list that would like these!

  2. This is fantastic! I just read that the gift donations for teenagers is always limited and now I have something fun to make and donate. I think these would be a hit with any teenage girl! Thanks so much for sharing this terrific idea. I may have to make a pair for myself while I'm at it.

  3. Anonymous11/25/2011

    I have been thinking about doing some glove altering since last winter.These are super cute.


  4. So creative and cute. Thank you for sharing and for linking up to last weeks show and share party. Please come back this week and share your latest project with us.

    A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  5. great idea. thank you for sharing!

  6. Anonymous12/08/2011

    Thanks for the idea. I crochet an edging with fun fur on these gloves. Also I found the gloves at the Dollar tree 2 pair for a dollar.

  7. That is so funny, I just bought a pair dollar tree! Thanks for reminding me, I have to put it in my post! Love the crochet idea, that is brilliant. I also bought zebra faux fur I am going to sew to the edge.

  8. Anonymous12/08/2011

    Just wondering what kind of tissue you used? Like paper tissue wrap? I love this idea!

  9. I used a paper napkin. A piece of thin fabric would be ok too. I used it just in case the iron got too hot (I didn't want to melt the glove because it was acrylic).

  10. Anonymous8/15/2012

    Thanks for the great ideas! My daughters has Raynauds Phenomenon which is an autoimmune disorder and she has to wear gloves to school or anytime the she is in a cold enviroment. She gets tired of the plain gloves and is looking forward to decorating her own.

  11. So awesome! Just wondering if you got to really test-run the gloves? I have a small custom iron-on design I had made & wanted to try it on a pair of stretchy gloves, but am afraid that they will come undone w/ they are stretched over someones hands.

    1. They actually faired pretty well. I lost a charm on one pair but the rhinestones stayed on.

  12. Anonymous11/11/2012

    I have been surfing the web all night trying to find a simple and inexpensive craft idea for my 9 nieces and nephews ranging in ages from 2 to 22 for Christmas and I found your Rockin' gloves! FANTASTIC! I'm going to Hobby Lobby later today to get all the embellishments and iron-ons and a quick trip to Dollar Tree for the gloves. So excited and I have some ideas to make each one different so no one gets theirs confused with anyone elses. I will be using mittens for the toddlers. Thank you so much for the awesomely fun idea!



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