
Crazy Clips

I love making Crazy Clip clothespins. They can be found in drawers all over my house. I use them as chip clips, memo board clips, paper clips, bookmarks, cello bag clips, and on top of a wrapped present as a label holder. You can even glue a magnet to the back and use them as a fridge clip. Not only are they cute gifts to give but they qualify for the crafting Big 3...1. Fast 2. Useful 3. Cheap! at $1.59 for a box of 50 clothespins you easily can make 10-12 gift sets. They are great for home show gifts, shower prizes, girl scout crafts, and little treats for teachers, friends, and coworkers. I'm going to show you how to make them two different ways. First using paper scraps (a great use for your leftover scrapbooking/cardmaking papers) or ribbon, and second using decorative adhesive tape. 

You only need a few supplies:
1 box of wooden clothespins (I purchased at Target for $1.59 for box of 50)
Double sided permanent tape
Paper scraps or
Ribbon or 
Decorative adhesive Tape-I use Recollections "glitter tape" and"bling on a role" tape
E6000 Glue or Hot Glue
Embellishments: Dimensional stickers, buttons, paper flowers, charms etc.

Attach a piece of double sided tape to the clip lining it up along one side. It can be longer than the clip since you will be trimming it anyway

Line up the clip onto the backside of your paper. It is easiest if one side of the paper is cut straight so you can line it up perfectly.

Trim around the other side and ends. Repeat other side. Done!

Do the same steps for applying ribbon being careful to smooth well and use sharp scissors when trimming to avoid fraying. 

Even easier is scrapbooking/cardmaking tape. I used Recollections "bling on a roll". Line tape along one side, and trim.

Apply Embellishments. I used Jolee's Boutique dimensional stickers for the halloween, skulls, and zebra print hearts. Just rub the foam adhesive off of the back of the stickers and secure them to the clip with a strong adhesive like E6000 or Hot Glue. I attach them about 1/3 up from the bottom of the clip. I also use charms, buttons, and fabric flowers.

Packaging: Take a piece of two sided paper and trim to about 6 1/2 inches wide. Fold up the paper part way and staple on both sides. Attach a label describing some of the clips many uses.

PS If you to sew I found a great demonstration making the clips with fabric (use up your fabric scraps) with a fabric poof embellishment ahttp://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/home/2010/6/2/diy-fancy-clothespins.html  Surprisingly they also use double sided tape for attaching the fabric. Easy!


The Rebel Crafter


  1. Wendy Rae Vicary10/05/2011

    Love love love!!!! Wish u were my neighbor. My days would
    Be filled with fin!!!

  2. What a great gift idea.

  3. Hi, there! You've got so much creativity and I'm admiring them all. May I invite you to join me, too, at my Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party :)

  4. SO cute! I love the sparkly pink and black set! I've made a few of the basic version with scrapbook paper but I love the added embellishments on yours. Thanks so much for linking up to The Creative Spark. I'll be featuring these on my Facebook page. Feel free to grab a featured button!
    Jenn :0

  5. OO!! I love these! They look so easy when you do it...I can't wait to try them out. Happy I found your blog!

  6. this clips are way to cool I always use this clips for lots of projects event to display my kids art work, but now with this great idea my kids art will have a kick. great IDEA

  7. This is crazy! I love the idea! Never thought I'd make great clips just by using wooden clothespins! They are cheap and the tutorial is easy! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love these. I always paint the pins. These are faster and more decorative. I'll add magnets and put them on my fridge to hang the many reminders and kids' art work.

  9. so adorable!

    found you via the weekend wrapup party and think you may like my special shabby chic giveaway:


    thanks so much for sharing!



  10. These are so cute. I had tried gluing some with glitter and it was just a big mess! I need to get some of that glitter adhesive tape ;-)

  11. Anonymous10/25/2011

    LOVE LOVE this - do you SELL them??? I am not so crafty and would burn myself with a glue gun! maybe on etsy - let me know

  12. So glad you like! I always just give away my crafts as gifts. If that ever changes I'll add the info to the blog. Thanks so much for the feedback!

  13. Aileen Bell11/09/2011

    YES! I love cheap cool crafts that are great for gifst. Hugs! Aileen



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