Abraham Lincoln Printable

In honor of Presidents Day I thought I would make a 5x7 print of one of my favorite Abraham Lincoln quotes. I think it is a great reminder that we are all human and none of us is perfect. What is your vice? Chocolate? nightly glass of wine? shoes? craft supplies? My biggest is definitely Starbucks. Rarely a day goes by that I don't stop for a venti vanilla soy latte, sometimes even two. At over $4 a piece I know it is a total waste of money (especially since I have an espresso maker at home). It is my weakness but like good old Abe says if you don't have a little fun you are probably no fun to be around.

Click on the link to download and print for a 5" x 7" frame:

Check back soon for our next tutorial! 


The Rebel Crafter


  1. hahaha love it, mine is ciggerettes bad yes, waste of money yes, health issues yes but damn it I love them. I've given up a million times but they lure me back. I even love the smell.

  2. Great quotes. I would love for you to stop by my Linky Party via: ourdelightfulhome.blogspot.com

    Mrs. Delightful

  3. I saw you on craft gossip, didn't know this quote but I'm with the man 100%! Your president was a wise guy!
    my vices: books, crafts, chocolates, coffee and science-fiction :D

  4. heeheehee ;) awesome quote! :)


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